Galaxy Cinemas Cambridge — Movie Theater in Cambridge

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Galaxy Cinemas Cambridge

Movie Theater at Cambridge Centre, 355 Hespeler Rd, Cambridge, ON N1R 6B3, Canada, Cambridge, Ontario, N1R 6B3 . Here you will find detailed information about Galaxy Cinemas Cambridge: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 5 reviews


Cambridge Centre, 355 Hespeler Rd, Cambridge, ON N1R 6B3, Canada, Cambridge, Ontario, N1R 6B3
N1R 6B3

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About Galaxy Cinemas Cambridge

Galaxy Cinemas Cambridge is a UK Movie Theater based in Cambridge, Ontario. Galaxy Cinemas Cambridge is located at Cambridge Centre, 355 Hespeler Rd, Cambridge, ON N1R 6B3, Canada,

Please contact Galaxy Cinemas Cambridge using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Galaxy Cinemas Cambridge opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Galaxy Cinemas Cambridge

  • Lucy
    Added 2016.05.30
    Today when we went to see pattington bear 2, we had a group of 10, they sold half our group tickets and the other half they were sold out. Then we couldn't get our money back so half of us went to go to the movies but there was no seats left and this is 10 minutes before it started. The manager told us it was too much work to look at people's tickets, so we had 3 very disappointed children. Then the manager only wanted to give us our movie ticket money back, not the food purchases even though we bought the food to go with our movie. He stated that he would need to take all the food from the kids away if he was giving us our money back for our food. Finially got our money back for everything, we had to explain that we drove each 30min plus to get here that it was very unreasonable, never once said sorry, used very unprofessional language when speaking to us. Very disappointed in this establishment. I would strongly suggest to go see a movie somewhere else.
  • Sophia
    Added 2015.09.04
    Under construction: no topping for popcorn, crappy small bottle drink (not even size of a medium fountain drink) all for same HUGE price at the miniature concession stand: what a freakin' rip off! They really should be giving some kind of a discount for the smaller sizes and PITA (pain in the a$$) levels of service...and there's no warnings posted on the online site when you buy your tickets in advance, so you're basically screwed once you show up and see the mess!! Advice: definitely sneak in your own drinks /snacks, or you end up thirsty ... or just stay away!!!
  • Jace
    Added 2015.06.08
    As I just saw another customer review that is exactly how I feel. They're under construction and obviously unsure of how to run a business at the same time. I was so upset when I saw the tiny bottles they give instead of a large drink. I mentioned it to the employee and the answer was basically, oh well....I don't order the store. On top of that I had to pay $1 extra for the kids to get a juice bottle instead of a disgusting Dasani water...and no butter topping, and was told to get back in line to get butter for $1!! I really wish I knew in advance...I started coming back to this theatre because of the recliner seats, but it's not worth it, and now will head back to so many other people who live here. Very very disappointed. It feels like they are purposely deceieing their customers.
  • Miles
    Added 2014.10.31
    We saw a movie in a theatre with new reclining seats and they are fabulous. Totally motorized, very comfortable, with extra wide aisles to stretch out your legs. Best movie viewing experience ever.
  • James
    Added 2013.10.30
    The best seats ever, the reclining chairs are amazing. There is so much room and you don't have to worry about fighting the person next to you for the arm rest lol. If they served some fast food, it would be been a lot better but nachos and popcorn is alright. I would recommend going just for the seats.
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